LE: 61/X338020
Answers to "Who Knows Ten?"

How to interpret your score:

10 of 10

Congratulations! Your score, plus three shidduchs, entitles you to Olam HaBa!

8 or 9

Happy are they who dwell in Your house; may they ever praise You; Selah!

5 to 7

Not bad, but you should have your mezzuzahs checked!

2 to 4

So much to do and so little time!

only 1

Bad luck.


We will pray for you.

Answers to sample quiz #1: 

1.   Which of the following is never the number of benedictions in the Shemoneh Esreh (the Amidah) on any occasion:  seven (7), nine (9), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20)?

2.  Whose is the only birthday celebration mentioned in the Torah?
Pharaoh's. (C.f., Genesis 40:20. Pharaoh's birthday celebration is the occasion of the cup-bearer's release from prison.)

3.  What Jewish month has no special day or observance in it?

4:   What is the only occasion of public Torah-Reading at night?
Simchas Torah.

5:   Who is the only rabbi to have a statue in a national capital?
Judah Lowe (The Maharal) in Prague Checheslovakia.

6:   How many times are tsitsit (the fringes on the prayer shawl) mentioned in the Shema?

7:   What was born at the time of Creation, will exist as long as the world, but hasn't reached -- and will never reach -- the age of five weeks?
The Moon. (C.f., Gen. 1:16, 1:18, and 8:22).

8:  When is there a Haftarah (Prophetic) Reading at an afternoon service?
On a fast day (including The Book of Jonah on Yom Kippur).

9:   Aside from reading the entire Book of Esther (The Megillah) on Purim, what is the only liturgical use of anything from Esther?
Havdalah. (Added by pupils of Rashi in 11th century France.)

10:  When are Psalms 145 through 150 read in order twice in the same morning?
On the 30th day of the month.

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Who Knows Ten? is a syndicated feature available to Jewish newspapers. If you are interested in publishing Who Knows Ten? please contact Jordan Lee Wagner.

Copyright 1997 by Jordan Lee Wagner.  All rights reserved.